Ewing Wolly Bugger Pack


These Bugger Packs offer fantastic value for crafting the classic Woolly Bugger fly. You don’t have to invest a significant amount of money in whole capes or saddles!

Ewing Woolly Bugger Packets consist of feather patches cut from the sides of rooster saddles. The feathers on these saddle patches are relatively soft, with webbing down the center of each feather. This characteristic makes them ideal bugger feathers, imparting movement and life to your fly in the water. In addition to tying buggers, these feathers work exceptionally well for a wide variety of streamer patterns suitable for both fresh and saltwater. They can even be used as hackle on poppers and bass bugs.

If you prefer a more hands-on approach to selecting your cape, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 031-564-7368, and we’ll gladly provide you with available cape images.

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Purchase this item and get 3 Xplorer Rewards Points (Read more)


SKU: N/A Category:

Patch Average Size – 30x7cm

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