Xplorer Fly Tying Evening


Xplorer Fly Fishing Fly Tying Evening

Join us for a great evening, Tie 2 flies (Material provided, please bring vice, tools and thread, The store is open)

A meal will be provided, usually a burger or a lekker braai with a few beverages to enjoy the evening.

Flies tied and selected by Xplorer Pro Staff Shaun Dickson, Xplorer staff as well as guest tyers, updates on Xplorer Fly tying WhatsApp group. Flies are aimed around the season and incorporate many different skill levels and techniques. These evenings are aimed towards all skill levels and ages.

Learn more than just a pattern, tips and tying tricks

To be informed please contact us to be added to the group

There are only 14 spots available, first come first serve.


We offer a non tying option for those who are wanting to watch and get a meal

Please select carefully on the drop down menu

Purchase this item and get 1 Xplorer Rewards Point (Read more)
Purchase this item and get 1 Xplorer Rewards Point (Read more)


SKU: N/A Category:

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